Wednesday 4 June 2014

Week 13 progress

After getting feed back, there was a few things that we needed to do that would add for our milestone but also improve the project. One thing our group was missing was a filter for the campaigns that would enable the user to establish which profiles were in fact in which campaign.

I have taken on this role and i will use a GUI slider which will have been set to hide away when a certain campaign is enabled. The slider will have a max campaign of 4 as there are numbered campaigns from 1-4 in the church file. To single out the numbers i will apply another script enabling me to number code each profile accordingly. 

The box selection shown is where i can allocate which campain number the profile is.

I will also be waiting to receive the terrain file which i can join together with the project. Small navigation things in the menu will be added by ben and the GUI skin i will receive from baz which i will add making the window popup with the information a custom skin.

Monday 2 June 2014

Week 13 progress

My task was to join both bens work with the menu and navigation to the church and my church file which had the appropriote allocations of profiles to the database. I unfortunately did not receive a guiskin to have the popup window a custom window as that was not my role in the project. However i have set up scripts so all i need is the modified guiskin attached to have it applied.

Video above is a combination of videos i took whilst working on Unity to show my progress .

Wednesday 28 May 2014

Week 12 progress

I have a aim crosshair as my mouse and it was originally just a basic cross, but i have decided to try implement the style of gothic architecture. I have made a cross hair in relation to a cross from Gothic architecture i found on the internet.

This is the cross i made that will be displayed as the mouse during the game.

Below is part of my UI script receives the information from the database then displays it in the GUI.window. It can be shown 2 ways. Box one shows a string which has information from the database. Box two shows the window being created and then the string being called which intern displays the information from box 1 into a GUI.window. Box 3 is an alternative to box 1 and 2. What box 3 does is create a label where the information gets presented. This allows me to alter which information goes where in the GUI.window. Where as the other one just shows a string of information one ontop of the other. Box 3 will be used once i receive the customized to our style by baz.

Week 12 progress

From now it is basically making the GUI and also the level tidy and appropriation for presentation. Baz has taken my level and church and is now working on a which will make the looks of the window we are using much more clearer and more consistent with our
GUI ben has used for the into and navigation to the level. 

The above image is showing the small aim cross hair i have added. As you can see the image is very generic and will be changed accordingly. The below image shows once the window is open that the mouse is re appeared enabling the user to close the window and continue back in the game.

I have decided to make the curser hidden whilst in the game and having a cross-hair image displayed in the center of the screen which will act as the curser. This basically keeps the "new curser" in the centre at all times instead of having the mouse moving around the screen all the time. When something is clicked Then the mouse reappears enabling the user to be able to close the window that is showing. At this current stage i have the cross hair at a basic image but to keep consistency with the style i will design a new image.

Week 11 progress

I have been given the updated scripts from Stephen which enables me to receive the images from that database and display them in my GUI window. I did have trouble doing this on my own and stephen did help me quite abit with connecting the new codes together.

The Image Above Shows that the image is not available. And by not available it means there is a image there however it does not load a .tif file which for some reason was supplied to us as. Where as below the image is a jpeg and successfully displays. This means either me or someone else has to manually go through and change them all from tif to jpeg. 

Thursday 22 May 2014

Week 11 - REMUNERATION - Critical Thinking

Group One that presented

The Last Suprematist Sculpture

Huxtable, Anders Philip
Nicholson, Joshua Daniel

Thoughts of Presentation/ General Feedback from Markers

Clear Solid information that got presented using great graphs, I felt however that afew things may have been repeated. The video helped explain a few things that show positives towards freelancing. The Program Time Doctor i found interesting for documenting hours worked on projects. They Related to their own work which was great to see as it helped explain why freelancing is a better option is some cases. They compared it to working in a big company and they broke down how they would cost their projects. Invoices were shown and was shown how it works. Contracts were mentioned that they need to be involved however i did not see what things would have been important to have in a contract when free lancing or when working for a big company.

Overall Understanding of Remuneration

 From understanding of their presentation, remuneration is the compensation that one receives from doing work or a type of service to a client. Including wages, salaries or benifits.

Week 10 Progress

Because the shader we are using "toony" creates basic shades it does not give a depth in colour when delivering shading on the church. This effects the detail you see on the church when it comes to outlines of the building and showing th colour change when i hover over certain profiles. I have added lighting inside to help the outline be recognized to allow certain profiles from the inside be seen when hovered over

Issue with shadowing and hovering